Friday, May 6, 2011

From Boston To 'Bama!

Well, isn't life just a big ball of craziness?? Life seems to enjoy keeping me on my toes and totally ignoring any plans I try to make. So in that spirit, I am moving to Alabama!
I'm not moving until the end of June, but that is actually coming up pretty quickly. My boyfriend got a job teaching high school in Huntsville, so we are getting ready to pack up and go on our next adventure.

At first I was totally against the idea of moving to Alabama - I mean, seriously.... Alabama??? But I did go visit for a weekend and I think it will be a very nice place to live. It's still hours away from all of my friends and family, and I don't know anybody there, and I have no idea where I'm going to work, but I'm really trying to tell myself that I will enjoy it once I get there.

Honestly, my feelings about it change throughout the day. I'm excited to move somewhere warmer, with less traffic, and supposedly much nicer people... but I'm nervous to try to start my life all over again. I am bummed that I feel like I worked really hard to create a life here in Boston, and now I'm kind of abandoning it. I guess I've already made my decision, and that is that this boyfriend of mine is important enough to me that I will follow him all over this country if it means we can be together.

But seriously, if this "boyfriend" doesn't become my "fiance" pretty soon... I may just drive back to Chicago and never leave. (Sorry, that's not very optimistic. Haha!)

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