Monday, September 6, 2010

20 minutes (I guess this makes up for August...)

So I clearly failed at posting my August blog post, but I'm pretty sure my 1 reader didn't notice :) ha ha

August was a little crazy because I was packing up my apartment and moving about 20 minutes south. So, now I'm about as far south of Boston as I was north before. Pretty drastic change, I know.

It is amazing what 20 minutes can do, though. In my new town people are much more friendly. I've been greeted with friendly "Hi" "Hello" and smiles from strangers -- I love it! The people in my new apartment building are ultimately more friendly than in my last building, and the building itself is much nicer. Although moving is always a little hectic, this move was definitely worth it.

I'm very happy in my new home and I can't wait to take a little time to explore. I'm only 3 miles away from the beach, and I predict that will provide plenty of adventures.

I'll keep this post short, and I'll do my best to think of a much more inspiring topic for my actual September post.

Keep on looking for the adventure (even if it's only 20 minutes away!)