Thursday, October 22, 2009

Seat Fabric and Temp Jobs

As I sit on the T on my way to and from my wonderful temp job, I can't help but wonder who decides which fabric to use on the seats. You know how seats on coach busses, and apparently the T, have these awful color and design combination fabric? Why would anybody honestly choose that as the best decision? On furthur thought, it is probably to avoid the visibility of strains and other unmentionables that we probably don't want to think about on those seats... eww- I think I'll stand today :)

As I mentioned I have a wonderful temp job. I'm loving the company I'm with and I'm learning a lot from them. The hard part is working week to week and not really knowing how long I'm actually going to be here. I would love to work here permanently, but it's a complicated situation (but that doesn't mean it can't have a happy ending). Working through a staffing agency has proven to be both a blessing and a curse. It is of course a blessing because I was placed at this awesome company and given a great opportunity to work with outstanding people and to learn hands-on about the field I want to get into. The bad part is that if the company decides they want to hire me, they will have to pay a fee to the staffing agency - and with the economy right now, employers are much more willing to hire people they can obtain for free. So, I'm just going to keep working hard and try to prove myself worthy :) I have only gotten compliments so far, so that's a nice ego boost.

Other than that, I have spent my time exploring Boston and, on Sundays, playing softball with the Frostbite League. I'll post a link to my video of one of my solo explorations of Boston once I finish editing on my oh-so-wonderful software of Windows Movie Maker (Yeah, I'm like a professional! HA!)

Here's to enjoying a new opportunity and making the most of what I can :)


  1. Here is the link to my "Boston Adventure" video:
