Saturday, August 8, 2009

Reviews and Ramblings #1

So, I have been spending a lot of time the last few days cleaning my apartment because we officially move out tomorrow and my roommate and I would like to get our deposit back!
The stove was pretty stained when we moved in, and the fridge and cabinets somehow got kind of dirty over the year. I was using regular cleaner and paper towels, but it just was not working.
MR. CLEAN MAGIC ERASER is my new savior. It works so well and I want to let everybody know. It cleans almost anything and it works so much better and faster than any other cleaning products I've used. It got the burn marks off the top of the stove, the grossness that accumulated on the side of the stove and fridge, and even some marks off of the counter tops and floor that I don't even know what they were!
Mr.Clean Magic Eraser gets two thumbs up from me and it makes cleaning a lot easier (now, isn't that optimistic!)

--This is the first of (hopefully) many of my reviews of wonderful products that I discover.

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