Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Change is good... bad... different?

I've never been a big fan of change. I like consistency probably because it's what I grew up with: I lived in the same house since I was born, had most of the same friends since elementary school, my family celebrated every holiday exactly the same every year (with the exception of the year we spent Christmas is France, and I cried because we didn't go to my aunt's like we did every other year... yeah, I know. In my defense I was only 13), and I guess I felt safe in my consistency bubble. I have also always been a fan of adventure, but the adventure usually concluded with the safe return to my bubble.

Now that I have moved half-way across the country from my safe zone, I have realized what I guess I have always known: Change is inevitable. And really the only thing I can do (other than eat way too much chocolate fudge brownie ice cream and live in denial) is to make the best of it. So this is the start of my decision to truly start embracing change. It's going to be hard, I know, afterall change can be difficult, but I'm really going to try my best.

I've already begun by slowly accepting the latest change in my life -the transition from college student to professional. While I can't really consider myself a professional anything yet, my hopes are in the right place. Working as a temp also involves a lot of change as I've already worked at two different places since my last post (although the one I was at then is still my favorite). I'm loving my new city, and I'm looking forward to loving a new job and hopefully loving some new friends! I guess life would be pretty boring without change, and I'm pretty sure that any changes that happen to me now can only be good - or at least be a step to good.

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